2005 - 2006 LEGISLATURE
April 12, 2005 - Introduced by Representatives Owens and Ott, cosponsored by
Senator Roessler. Referred to Committee on Children and Families.
AB313,1,6 1An Act to amend 767.24 (8); and to create 118.019 (2) (dm) and 253.15 of the
2statutes; relating to: requiring the Department of Health and Family Services
3to prepare and distribute informational materials describing the duty of a
4parent to provide protection, care, supervision, and support for the parent's
5child and the possible legal consequences of a failure to perform that duty and
6listing agencies that provide services for children and families.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Under current law, a parent has the duty to provide protection, care,
supervision, and support for the parent's child. Currently, a parent who abandons
his or her child, permits his or her child to be abused, or neglects his or her child is
subject to the Child in Need of Protection or Services (CHIPS) jurisdiction of the court
assigned to exercise jurisdiction under the Children's Code (juvenile court), which
may, among other dispositions, remove the child from the home to protect the health
and safety of the child. Similarly, the juvenile court may terminate the parental
rights of a parent who abandons or abuses his or her child, fails to assume parental
responsibility for his or her child, or meets certain other grounds. Moreover, a parent
may also be subject to criminal liability for failing to protect his or her child from
sexual assault, physical abuse, mental harm, sexual exploitation, or incest; for
abandoning, neglecting, or failing to support his or her child; or for contributing to
the delinquency or truancy of his or her child.

This bill requires the Department of Health and Family Services (DHFS) to
prepare and distribute informational materials describing the duty of a parent to
provide protection, care, supervision, and support for the parent's child; describing
the possible legal consequences of a failure to perform that duty; and listing, by
geographical region, all public and private agencies that provide services for children
and families. The possible legal consequences described by the materials must
include the removal of the child from the home as a result of a CHIPS disposition;
the involuntary termination of the parent's parental rights to the child; criminal
liability for failing to protect the child from sexual assault, physical abuse, mental
harm, sexual exploitation, or incest; criminal liability for abandoning, neglecting, or
failing to support the child; and criminal liability for contributing to the delinquency
or truancy of the child. DHFS must distribute those informational materials to all
hospitals and maternity homes, which must provide a copy of the materials to the
parents of all children born at or on route to the hospital or maternity home; to all
nurse-midwives, who must provide a copy of the materials to the parents of all
children whose birth is attended by the nurse-midwife; to all circuit courts, which
must provide a copy of the materials to all persons whose legal custody or physical
placement rights to a child have been determined by the circuit court; and to all
school boards that provide instructional programs in human growth and
development, which may include those materials in the curriculum for the program.
For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be
printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB313, s. 1 1Section 1. 118.019 (2) (dm) of the statutes is created to read:
AB313,2,52 118.019 (2) (dm) The duty of a parent to provide protection, care, supervision,
3and support for the parent's child and the possible legal consequences of a failure to
4perform that duty. The instruction provided under this paragraph shall be based on
5the informational materials prepared under s. 253.15 (1).
AB313, s. 2 6Section 2. 253.15 of the statutes is created to read:
AB313,3,3 7253.15 Information relating to parental duties. (1) The department shall
8prepare and distribute informational materials describing the duty of a parent to
9provide protection, care, supervision, and support for the parent's child, describing
10the possible legal consequences of a failure to perform that duty, and listing, by

1geographical region, all public and private agencies that provide services for children
2and families. The possible legal consequences that the materials must describe shall
3include all of the following:
AB313,3,44 (a) Removal of the child from the home under s. 48.345 (3) or 938.34 (3).
AB313,3,55 (b) Involuntary termination of the parent's parental rights under s. 48.415.
AB313,3,86 (c) 1. Criminal liability under s. 948.02 (3), 948.03 (4), 948.04 (2), 948.05 (2),
7or 948.06 (2) for failing to protect the child from sexual assault, physical abuse,
8mental harm, sexual exploitation, or incest.
AB313,3,109 2. Criminal liability under s. 948.20, 948.21, or 948.22 for abandoning,
10neglecting, or failing to support the child.
AB313,3,1211 3. Criminal liability under s. 948.40 or 948.45 for contributing to the
12delinquency or truancy of the child.
AB313,3,22 13(2) The department shall distribute the materials prepared under sub. (1) to
14all hospitals and maternity homes, which shall provide a copy of the materials to the
15parents of all children born at or on route to the hospital or maternity home; to all
16nurse-midwives licensed under s. 441.15, who shall provide a copy of the materials
17to the parents of all children whose birth is attended by the nurse-midwife; to all
18circuit courts, which shall provide a copy of the materials to all persons whose legal
19custody or physical placement rights to a child have been determined by the circuit
20court; and to all school boards that provide instructional programs in human growth
21and development under s. 118.019, which may include the materials in the
22curriculum for the program.
AB313, s. 3 23Section 3. 767.24 (8) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB313,4,624 767.24 (8) Notice in judgment; provision of parental duty information. A
25judgment which that determines the legal custody or physical placement rights of

1any person to a minor child shall include notification of the contents of s. 948.31.
2When a judgment determining the legal custody or physical placement rights of a
3person to a minor child is granted, the court shall provide to that person a copy of the
4informational materials prepared under s. 253.15 (1) describing the duty of a parent
5to provide protection, care, supervision, and support for the parent's minor child and
6the possible legal consequences of a failure to perform that duty.
AB313, s. 4 7Section 4. Nonstatutory provisions.
AB313,4,128 (1) Preparation and distribution of informational materials. By the first day
9of the 4th month beginning after the effective date of this subsection, the department
10of health and family services shall prepare the informational materials specified in
11section 253.15 (1) of the statutes, as created by this act, and distribute those
12materials as required under section 253.15 (2) of the statutes, as created by this act.
AB313, s. 5 13Section 5. Initial applicability.
AB313,4,1414 (1) Provision of informational materials.
AB313,4,1715 (a) The treatment of sections 118.019 (2) (dm) and 253.15 (2) (with respect to
16the provision of instructional programs in human growth and development) of the
17statutes first applies to instructional programs provided in the 2006-07 school year.
AB313,4,2118 (b) The treatment of section 253.15 (2) (with respect to the provision of
19informational materials to the parents of newborn children) of the statutes first
20applies to children born on the the first day of the 4th month beginning after the
21effective date of this paragraph.
AB313,5,222 (c) The treatment of sections 253.15 (2) (with respect to the provision of
23informational materials to persons whose legal custody or physical placement rights
24to a child have been determined by the circuit court) and 767.24 (8) of the statutes
25first applies to persons whose legal custody or physical placement rights to a child

1are determined on the first day of the 4th month beginning after the effective date
2of this paragraph.
AB313,5,33 (End)